4.0 Correspondence Courses
Our correspondence courses are what you might referrer to as eBooks. These courses are a book-publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on computers or other electronic devices. We provide the courses as portable document format (PDF).
4.1 Correspondence Course Registration
After you purchase your course and complete it you are required to register the completion of the course with us in order to receive your certificate of completion. All of our PDF based courses have a "Congratulations" page as the last page in the course PDF file. On this page there is a large button which you can click on as long as your device has internet access. This button will take you to our student registration portal and directly to the specific course registration form you need for the course you clicked the button on. Simply fill in the forms required fields and then click the button at the bottom of the form to submit your registration. We will receive the registration, review it for accuracy and send you your certificate via the registered email address
4.2 Congratulations Page Registration Button Problems
We are very sorry you are having problems reaching our registration site, sometimes depending on the security software you are running the button on the final page of the course may be blocked. If you are having problems reaching the site please open any internet browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Safari) and go to the URL below. Once there you will need to select the course you are wanting to register and complete the registration form. Make sure to click the "register course" button at the end of the form.
Student Registration Portal: https://registration.myrealestatecourses.com