Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, an approved licensed instructor is available to you by phone from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm .
If you need immediate assistance after hours, leave a phone message or click on the Contact link and leave an email message. We check emails regularly and will respond as soon as possible. There is also information on how to contact your instructor in the instructions included with each course.
As of 2020, getting your license renewed by the state is a whole new and updated process. The whole process is now online. You are required to set up a business account with Access Washington, which is the portal the state operates for licensing of all kinds. The Department of licensing has all the instructions you need on their website under the heading "How to renew your real estate license".
Here is the link to the instructions:
P.S. Make sure you have access to the certificate(s) you were sent upon completion of your courses because you have to use them in the new process for the state.
Sorry you are having problems reaching our registration site, sometimes depending on the security software you are running the link on the final page of the course may be blocked. If you are having problems reaching the site please go to the URL below. Once there you will need to select the course you are wanting to register and complete the registration form and state mandated survey. Make sure to click the "register course" button at the end of the form.
Registration Site URL: