Current Issues in Washington Real Estate 2024-2025 (CORE) - Certified Washington State Real Estate Continuing Education 3 Clock Hour Course
Every two years the Washington Real Estate Commission, together with the Department of Licensing contact brokers and other qualified 3rd parties, to determine what issues they may have experienced or observed. After the ideas have been thoroughly reviewed, the two real estate regulatory authorities traditionally break the subject matter into three main topics which are: Form Updates, Legislative Updates, and Business Practices.
Topics Covered in Current Issues in Washington Residential Real Estate 2024-2025
Forms Updates
- Evidence of Funds
- Inspection Addendum
- Inspection Response
- Terms of Closing and Possession
- Financing Contingency Addendum and Increased Down Payment Addendum
- Buyer Broker Compensation
- New Forms Effective 2023
- Early and Delayed Occupancy
- Earnest Money
Legislative Updates
- Reforming Real Estate Agency
- Most Recent Changes
Business Practices Update and Professional Standards
- Raising the Bar
- Managing Brokers Responsibilities
- Multiple Offer Scenarios
- Risky Practices in Today's Market
Issues with Transaction Coordinators
Avoiding the Top Violations
- Enhanced Personal Safety